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Dentist provides comfortable sleep apnea treatment in West Chester, PA

Does your partner complain that you snore at night? Do you find yourself waking frequently throughout the night and feeling unrested when you wake up each morning, unable to concentrate throughout the day? Do you experience dry mouth, sore throat, or headaches upon waking? If so, you may be one of millions of Americans who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. This condition can have grave health consequences if left untreated, but fortunately, for patients in the West Chester, PA area, a convenient and effective treatment is available from dentist Dr. Ron Briglia.

Sleep Apnea Dentist at Briglia Dental Group in West Chester PA Area

Sleep apnea explained

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when your airway becomes obstructed while you sleep. This often occurs because the tongue and soft tissues collapse into your throat, blocking your airway and preventing normal breathing. When this happens, your brain and organs are unable to receive the vital oxygen they need, and you temporarily wake up – perhaps accompanied by a gasping or snorting sound. You may not even notice that you are awake and fall back asleep quickly, but throughout the night, this process repeats itself up to hundreds of times, which can result in in poor quality sleep and long-term health consequences such as heart disease, strokes, mood disorders, and other serious health problems.

Oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea

For many years, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy was the mainstay in sleep apnea treatment. While effective, CPAP machines are uncomfortable, loud, difficult to travel with, and require electricity. Fortunately, there is another FDA-approved treatment option available to patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea: oral appliance therapy. An oral appliance is custom-designed for your mouth and you simply wear it while you sleep, where it gently repositions your lower jaw slightly forward to help prevent your soft tissues and tongue from obstructing your airway while you sleep. Oral appliance therapy is:

  • Effective
  • Comfortable
  • Convenient
  • Portable
  • Discreet
  • Custom-made specifically for your mouth

Learn more in a consultation

If you have been searching for “sleep apnea treatment near me” and are seeking a non-invasive, comfortable way to start sleeping better, call Briglia Dental Group in West Chester, PA today to schedule your consultation! Our office can be reached at (610) 615 0160.

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Dr. Ron Briglia at Briglia Dental Group

Dr. Ron Briglia has been practicing dentistry since 1984. With decades of experience and extensive continuing education, Dr. Briglia provides the most comprehensive dental services.

He earned his Bachelor of Science from Gannon University and his Doctor of Dental Medicine from Temple University Dental School. He has received advanced training at prestigious organizations like Pankey and Las Vegas Institutes. He is IV and oral sedation-certified too.

Most of Dr. Briglia’s patients have continued with him in his family of patients for over 30 – 35 years, and the restorations he has provided them have lasted for 25-35 years – clear evidence of his skills and expertise.

Connect with Dr. Ron Briglia on Linkedin

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